
Deb Dana

Deb Dana, LCSW, is a clinician, consultant, author and speaker. She is a founding member of the Polyvagal Institute, consultant to Khiron Clinics, and advisor to Unyte. Deb’s work is focused on using the lens of Polyvagal Theory to understand and resolve the impact of trauma. She delves into the intricacies of how understanding and befriending the nervous system can change the way we navigate our daily lives. Deb is well known for translating Polyvagal Theory into a language and application that is both clear and accessible and for her significant contribution pioneering Rhythm of Regulation® methodology, tools, techniques and practices which continue to open up the power of Polyvagal Theory for professionals and curious people from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life. Deb has published a number of clinical works over the years. She partners with Sounds True to bring her polyvagal perspective to a general audience through the audio program “Befriending Your Nervous System: Looking Through the Lens of Polyvagal Theory” and her print books “Anchored: How to Befriend Your Nervous System Using Polyvagal Theory,” and “Nervous System Workbook.” Deb can be contacted via her website

Listen to Tami Simon's in-depth audio podcast interview with Deb Dana: Becoming an Active Operator of Your Nervous System »

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